In 2010 I was awarded a three-year fellowship at the Institute for Public Knowledge at NYU along with nine other scholars, artists, engineers, writers. I collaborated with Michael McQuarrie, a sociologist at the London School of Economics, and Naresh Fernades, a journalist from Mumbai, on an interdisciplinary project called “The Infrastructures of Citizenship,” which looks at how the built environment of cities enables or constrains city-dwellers ability to constitute themselves in groups with specific political claims. Our primary case study is the neighborhood of Golibar, Mumbai. We co-authored an article entitled "The Field of Struggle, the Office, and the Flat: Protest and Aspiration in a Mumbai Slum" which was published in Public Culture. The same issue also includes a "manifesto" of mine, in which I sought to conceptualize a relationship between cinematic montage and the history of the incremental tradition in design and planning, using my work on Informal Urbanisms as a case study. I also produced a photo essay of images I'd taken in Berlin and Mumbai as part of "The Infrastructures of Citizenship" project, which was exhibited at the Institute for Public Knowledge throughout 2013.
September 2013
Index: Writing, Urbanism, Research, Berlin, Mumbai